Monday, December 30, 2019

Synthesis Of Text 12 And 3 - 1605 Words

TASK 5:MICRO-LITERATURE REVIEW: Synthesis of text 1,23(1500words) Effective parental leave policy: a change in impact factors across three articles from 2008-2014. Introduction Traditional family model changed a lot these years, women have their own jobs and cannot pay all their attention to their families as they used to. Therefore, parental leave policy is put forward for to decrease work-family conflict for both men and women. Parental leave is an employee benefit available in almost all countries, including maternity, paternity, and adoption leave. During this period, the policy supports new parents in two ways: offering job-protected leave and offering financial support. In some countries, people believe that a good parental†¦show more content†¦It was chosen because of its authority as demonstrated by the number of citations (189), and published by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, which is one of the authority agencies. After analyzed it, the older article (Hegewisch and Gornickï ¼Å'2008) was chosen from the reference of the first one, which point out a new idea about the importance of flexible work place. Finally, after reading and comparing the first two articles, I chose the recent article (Allen et al, 2014), which put forward a new viewpoint about the attitude of employers, from the citing of the first one. These three articles show the change of thinking and focus on different impact factors of the policy efficiency. There are several limitations to the present study that should be acknowledged. Although these three articles research from different aspects and analyzed the factors that influence and impact by this policy, it not enough to comprehensive express the thesis and need more extra references. Discussion of findings Visualization of the relationship between text1, 23 Figure 1: Consequences of parental leave policy in different aspects As shown in figure 1, there is a considerable consensus of the three articles that parental leave policy brings huge influence to the new parents in terms of gender equality and work-family conflict. Ray et al (2009) and strongly prove that a good policy can improve gender equality. Moreover, a strong relationship betweenShow MoreRelatedNur504 Week 5 Collaborative Learning Community: Ebp Literature Latest592 Words   |  3 Pagesis a CLC assignment. Follow the instructions provided in CLC Assignment: Evidence-Based Project (EBP). Utilize the Synthesis Table, Table of Evidence and EBA Project Evaluation Tool to complete your CLC assignment. Submit these documents for this weeks CLC assignment. 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You do not need to write a book; however, you need to make sure you answer the question being asked in sufficient detail. Show me what you know. But keep an eye on the clock. You have aroundRead MoreEmerging Challenges Of Social Work And Women s Studies- An Empirical Study2870 Words   |  12 PagesOld No: 3, Plot No: 22, Vijaynagar 2ND Cross Street, Velachery, Chennai-600042 Cell: 9176755321, 9176754930 E-mail:, TOPIC: Emerging Challenges in Social work research- The Contexts of Diffusion: Adoption of Research Synthesis in Social Work and Women’s Studies- An Empirical study. Abstract: Research papers reveal the subjects of interest in research fields, and the values, beliefs, and practices of researchers. In this study, texts are examined

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The United States And The War Of 1812 - 1144 Words

A Developed Nation The United States of America triumphed in the Revolutionary War, emerging as an independent nation. Thereafter, they had an arduous task of building their economy and earning recognition amongst other nations. George Washington, the presiding president, promoted Alexander Hamilton, a thirty-four year old former officer of the Continental Army, as the Secretary of Treasury. He devised plans on how to simultaneously generate revenue and deal with war debts. Inevitably, the United States encountered many disruptions on their road to maturity, including oppositions on Hamilton s deals by other forefathers and unforeseen wars and rebellions that erupted in the country. Amidst those wars, was the War of 1812, which†¦show more content†¦Hamilton s goal was to make the new country credit free not debt free. Although Hamilton was a very talented and loveable individual, he had many clashes with the other forefathers. Mainly, Hamilton s biggest controverters were Th omas Jefferson and James Madison who strongly opposed his idea of investing the war debts. Furthermore, citizens strongly repulsed the tariffs he implemented and protested against them. One such protest, the Whiskey Rebellion, appeared to be an encore of Shay s Rebellion, a rebellion on the tax of property. When a group of Pennsylvania residents protested John Neville, a stubborn tax collector, the government intervened and quickly dissolved the protest, thus, implementing the ability for the federal government to stand up for civil disorder. The United States growing economy and the growth of its strong democratic government quickly publicized their existence globally. The United States strongly advocated for peaceful relations with other nations and tried to settle disputes or expand their territories only via negotiations, in contrast to war. In 1776, under the Treaty of Paris a vast land of the Great Plains was transferred from France to Spain. However, Spain never controlled or settled the land and decided to sell it to the United States for a tremendous profit. Therefore, the United States sent out the Lewis and Clark Expedition to investigate the land. Lewis and Clark established good relationsShow MoreRelatedThe War Of 1812 And The United States1716 Words   |  7 Pagesformed United States. The war of 1812 is often referred to as the United States second war for independence because, like the Revolutionary War, it was fought against England. This war was the result of many years of a tension among both countries. It both surprised the British and concerned many Americans who believed that this war was an unwise effort. This was not because there was not reasons to go to war with England. But rather because United States had avoided war for so long that when war wasRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States1699 Words   |  7 PagesThe War of 1812 is often referred to as â€Å" Mr. Madison s War,† because at the time, federalists believed that their current president, James Madison declared war, without the approval of congress. At the time, the new united nation but somewhat divided was being controlled under the rule of the great power of Great Britain. Great Britain had a strong connection with the northern states of the United States, because of the constant trade going on between them. As the, Federalists got richer, the BritishRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States1427 Words   |  6 Pages The War of 1812 is the second war between the United States of America and Great Britain that ends in a draw. Also referred to as the â€Å"Second War of Independence,† the cause of this milita ry conflict is often believed to be a direct result of England’s attempt to humiliate the United States, limit the country’s growth and impact (acts of interference towards American trade, which is a sign of disrespect towards American independence), and acts of impressment (taking sailors off American vesselsRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States Essay1328 Words   |  6 PagesThe War of 1812 was the result of an ongoing feud between France, Great Britain, and the United States. The causes of the war included Britain attempt to restrict trade between France and the United States, Britain’s navy intimidating American seamen and the U.S. attempt to expand their territory. Before going into the war, the United States was fully aware that Britain had the greatest naval power in the world so this would be the costliest war financially and physically. The United States knewRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States1633 Words   |  7 PagesThe War of 18 12 took place between the Americans and Great Britain because of the impressment of Americans sailors by the British and the passing of the Embargo Act by Congress and President Thomas Jefferson. The British navy would impress sailors from American ships and force the American sailors to board the British ships and to join the British navy. The second reason that the War of 1812 occurred was because of the Embargo Act of 1807. This act was passed by Congress and Jefferson and it stoppedRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States1422 Words   |  6 PagesIn the year 1812, just 29 years after the American Revolution, the United States was already confronted with another War against their mother country. Ever since their last war, conflict has been brewing up between the two countries. Since the 1790s, American leaders like Presidents Washington and John Adams was trying to avoid with France and England. In 1793, the Proclamation of neutrality was passed, under Washington s preside ncy. In 1800, President Adams agreed to the Convention of 1800, whichRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States820 Words   |  4 Pages The War of 1812 was brought about by a multitude of factors including international trade restrictions, the capture of American sailors by the British Royal Navy, and the United States attempts at expanding its territory. The various parties involved in this war are the Americans, the British, the Canadians (then a british colony), the Native Americans, and the Africans. While the main conflict of this war was between White America and the British, the Native Americans and African slaves found themselvesRead MoreThe War Of 1812 During The United States1308 Words   |  6 PagesA war time economy in the United States has proven to be a way to bring the people of America together, boost the economy, and inspire nationalism. The War of 1812 did much to follow this trend. By shutting off trade with Great Britain for a few years, United States ma nufacturers were able to establish their industries and develop a dependency from the people of America. In these ways, the War of 1812 helped create a scenario that allowed the United States to proliferate following the war. TheRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The United States Army Essay1309 Words   |  6 PagesBritish forces (). From then on out the United States Army has seen multiple wars from the War of 1812 to present wars today, and will continue to be one the many forces to protect the USA. Now over the years, the United States Army has had to shift the way it conducts its soldiers to fight in the wars and how to be proficient in battle; even with the new warfare tactics that our enemies are developing daily. Like any other unified team, how does the United States Army gain leverage against our enemiesRead MoreThe War Of 1812 Was A Conflict Between The United States854 Words   |  4 Pages The War of 1812 was a conflict between the United States and Britain that began in 1812 and lasted until early 1815. A declaration of war was requested by President James Madison to protect American ships on the high seas and to stop the British from stopping ships and capturing United States by both Great Britain and France. President Madison sought to prevent Britain from creating alliances with Native Americans on the American frontier. Americans in the West and South, who hoped to increase the

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Role of Ethics in the Life of an Engineering Student Free Essays

As a college student for the last 2 years, if there is one important thing that I have learned, it is to follow the ethical guidelines of your school. Moreover, maintain the ethical code throughout the semester and more specifically for every course. Now, as an engineering student at The University of Texas at Tyler, I have an Engineering Code of Ethics to follow. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Ethics in the Life of an Engineering Student or any similar topic only for you Order Now This, in my opinion, is the closest to an actual professional code I have seen thus far. As a learned profession, engineering students are expected to show the upmost standards of integrity and honesty. Since this is the code that we will be following while providing services as an engineer, our complete honesty fairness should be dedicated to the safety and welfare of the people. As an engineer, you are required to perform under a standard of professional behavior. It requires adherence to the highest principles of ethical conduct. As students, we are to practice the Code of Ethics on both the college and the District level. Every student in the college/district is expected to represent himself respectfully, whether it is on paper or verbal. This representation calls for honesty of information on all forms, applications and official documentation. In addition, we are to behave respectfully faculty, staff, administrators, other students and visitors as we represent our college and district. Academic honesty and academic integrity are to be maintained at their highest standards. All of the student’s work should be original. No type of academic dishonesty is acceptable. This includes cheating or lying on any assignment, quiz or exam. Providing false information or making false statements is impermissible. Gaining an unfair advantage over other students by any means of cheating is also against the ethical conduct. Cheating furthermore includes plagiarism, which is when a student uses the ideas of another and declares it as his or her own. Students are required to properly cite the original source of the ideas and information used in his or her work. Students of the district are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations set by the District. Students are to be responsible for any costs of the damages resulting from their behavior. Furthermore, use of illegal drugs, prescription drugs and alcohol should be highly avoided. We shall also refrain from using language or acting in a manner that is disrespectful or inappropriate towards other students and members of college. This also includes sexual assault and harassment. Students must behave respectfully toward their peers and professors. In the classroom setting, students may not interrupt their classmates or professor, make fun of them or their expressed views, or disrupt the learning environment. It is important to maintain the best learning environment for all students and professors. The fundamental canons lay down general duties. For example, engineers are required to â€Å"hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public,† to â€Å"issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner,† to â€Å"act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents and trustees,† and to â€Å"avoid all conflicts of interest. † Each engineer stands to benefit from these requirements both as ordinary person and as engineer. The benefits for an engineer as ordinary person are obvious: As an ordinary person, an engineer is likely to be safer, healthier, and otherwise better off if engineers generally hold paramount the public safety, only make truthful public statements, and so on. How engineers stand to benefit as engineers is less obvious . Generally, all the ideas from the Code of Ethics for Engineers apply to an engineering student. Two fundamental canons that stand out are number 3 and 6. Number 3 states that public statements issued should be in an objective and truthful manner. This means that all reports and statements from an engineer should include all relevant and pertinent information in such reports, statements, or testimony, which should bear the date indicating when it was current. The same way an engineering student is responsible for stating correct information on his/her assignments and reports with the mention of the correct date and time of any analysis or experimentation involved. Number 6 states the engineer conduct themselves honorably, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession. This applies to engineering students as much because we are responsible for our own work and are expected to incorporate originality in our work. We should acknowledge our errors and shall not alter or distort the facts. We, as students, should look at the big picture and realize the long-term commitment to the field of engineering. Misrepresentation of any kind is unacceptable. A code of ethics is necessary in part because, without it, the self-interest of individual engineers, or even their selfless devotion to their employer, could lead them to harm everyone overall. The authors of a code of engineering ethics are all more or less rational persons. They differ from most other rational persons only in knowing what engineers must know in order to be engineers and in performing duties they could not perform but for that knowledge. It is therefore reasonable to suppose that their code of ethics would not require them to risk their own safety, health, or welfare, or that of anyone for whom they care, except for some substantial good. It also seems reasonable to suppose that no code they authored would include anything people generally consider immoral. Most engineers are probably morally decent people, unlikely to endorse an immoral rule. All scientific and engineering professions have a high standard of ethics. It is quite necessary, because many of the things scientists and engineers do affect both their own lives and those of the public as well. If a scientist reports a development from the laboratory incorrectly, it can even endanger someone’s life. If an engineer cheats on a design, it can also cost lives. Similarly, all of us would be concerned about driving over a bridge built by an engineer who cheated in school. We have learned of a number of situations in recent years in which people have acted unethically and the results have been very bad for the people who trusted them. This is also the reason why new disciplines of engineering ethics are emerging all over colleges and universities. Handouts and instructor’s guides in different courses in the electrical, civil and mechanical engineering departments are made mandatory to a student to have a good sense of. Understanding the Code of Ethics for Engineers as a convention between professionals, we can explain why engineers cannot depend on mere private conscience when choosing how to practice their profession, no matter how good that private conscience and why engineers should take into account what an organization of engineers has to say about what engineers should do. What conscience would tell us to do absent a certain convention is not necessarily what conscience would tell us given that convention. Insofar as a code of professional ethics is a kind of a morally permissible convention, it provides a guide to what engineers may reasonably expect of one another. It describes what the rules of the game are. Just as we must know the rules of baseball to know what to do with the ball, so we must know engineering ethics to know, for example, whether, as engineers, we should merely weigh safety against the wishes of our employer or instead give safety preference over those wishes. A code of ethics should also provide a guide to what we may expect other members of our profession to help us do The question now is why, all things considered, an engineer should obey her profession’s code. We should begin by dismissing two alternatives some people find plausible. The obligations of an engineer do not seem to rest on anything so contingent as a promise, oath, or vow. So, the convention between professionals is not a contract. It is more like an obligation resting not on an actual agreement, but on what it is fair to require of someone given what he has voluntarily done, such as accepted the benefits that go with claiming to be an engineer. One way society has of saying things is through law. No law binds all engineers to abide by their profession’s code. Of course, society has ways of saying things other than by law, for example, by public opinion. But it seems doubtful that the public knows enough about engineering to have an opinion on most matters of engineering ethics. After all, there have been both irrational laws, those requiring the use of outmoded techniques and immoral laws, those enforcing slavery. The public opinion supporting such laws could not have been much less irrational or immoral than the laws themselves. In conclusion, Engineers should not only do as their profession’s code requires, but should also support it less directly by encouraging others to do as it requires and by criticizing, ostracizing, or otherwise calling to account those who do not. They should support their profession’s code in these ways for at least four reasons: First, engineers should support their profession’s code because supporting it will help protect them and those they care about from being injured by what other engineers do. Second, supporting the code will also help assure each engineer a working environment in which it will be easier than it would otherwise be to resist pressure to do much that the engineer would rather not do. Third, engineers should support their profession’s code because supporting it helps make their profession a practice of which they need not feel morally justified embarrassment, shame, or guilt. And fourth, one has an obligation of fairness to do his part insofar as he claims to be an engineer and other engineers are doing their part in generating these benefits for all engineers. How to cite Role of Ethics in the Life of an Engineering Student, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Lonely Planet Guides Global Explorers free essay sample

World‘lonely planet guides global explorers ‘ Qamp;A 1. Why the lonely planet can get the big successful in global? Lonely planet runs the business more than 30 years and publishes more than 500 different guides to destinations around the world. Moreover they have more than 500 employees in offices on three continents, as well as 300 writers out combing the world for information. All of these up to the company choose the suit target market and the right marketing strategy. In 2007, the Wheelers decided sold the company to the BBC, it was a best choice for lonely planet because can make the company developing well than past. Actually, the decision makes more contribution to Lonely Planet. The BBC’s extensive network of distribution channel helped lonely planet popularity and acceptance increased. 2. Did the lonely planet guides meet the cultural sensitivity? Yes, they are. So they employed more than 300 contributors from dozens of difference countries and try them best to offset the language barrier. We will write a custom essay sample on Lonely Planet Guides Global Explorers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The series of Lonely Planet Guides are really helped a lot of people for travel. The company guides based on the each cultural difference, and make their consumer feel easy and convenience when travelling in new countries. The Wheelers have ensured that Lonely Planet maintains a total commitment to responsible travel, right down to using recycled materials in publishing. And through the tremendous impact their guides have had on travelers around the world, they have certainly done far more than their share to make this lonely planet a better place. Today, more than ever, they write on their website, were utterly convinced of the incredible importance of travel. Its only through traveling, through meeting people, that we begin to understand that were all sharing this world. We are all coming along for the ride, despite the barriers which governments, religions and economic and political beliefs often seem to build up between us.